Beating Anorexia

Callista Conrad

                      In the fashion world, red is always becoming the new black, white is never to be worn after Labor Day and you must never wear black heels with a brown belt. Keeping up with the fashion musts is a new fad to fit in. Just like in the fashion world, what’s anorexia when you can beat it and be obese? Obesity is one of the must haves in today’s world. There is no need to be skinny and lean when you can have all the body heat you need in the winter without wasting your hard earned money on a winter coat.

Obesity is beating anorexia daily in America. I mean, there are children in third world countries such as Africa and India who go days without eating and they are dying. People in America go to high end food markets and eat huge buffets at places such as Valentino’s, Golden Corral, and China One for over half price people would pay for one sit down meal at Bev’s On The River. Why dine for food less when bigger people demand more?

Being anorexic is out. Obesity has become the “it” thing in the past twenty years and no one can die from this so that is all the reason alone to beat anorexia. Over half of all the adults in the United States alone have fought this cause to become overly healthy and forget all about buying new yearly renewals to the health fitness club. There is no need to workout when you can spend your time eating at the fast food chains you find at nearly every corner of every city making it more and more convenient because most people like to go get there third dinner of the night around 10:00 while most fast food joints stay open until midnight or later.

Being obese teaches great lessons in life to everyone including our children. It teaches children to be overly responsible for their body and health issues and causes them to view themselves just as everyone else. Teaching them this is a great life lesson because kids may go to school and be so excited to show their friends a new jelly stain they have on their 3XL t-shirts.

As I’ve shown above, obesity has very few downfalls and lots of pros to beating anorexia. Things like not wasting money on winter clothing due to the extra fat carrying around on your body, by becoming a bigger size in the clothing sections helps the economy, by helping farmers stay in business, and the food markets rocketing by giving the satisfaction of helping you grow as a person on the inside as well as the outside.