ID Badges Are a Must!

Amanda Huynh

            Id badges at school are amazing; it keeps people that should not be here out. It's not like they are going to notice it's not you in the picture. Also it helps teachers know if you have off-campus at school. It's now like anyone could just switch ids with somebody else, it is a clip on id!
           Id badges are helpful because you can't just punch in you id number for lunch, we are so high tech that we have to swipe them through the scanners. These ids are so helpful, it does not let you stand last in line. it's embarrassing! Also the food might run out, because we spend all of our money on buying so much food, and building necessary buildings for the student, So it's okay if students starve.
           In the library, they also have id badge scanners, because we don't want to over work our staff. I mean telling them our five-digit id number and then having them punch it in. Wow that's over working them way to much, that's why the scanners come in use. If we work them then who is going to check out all the books that the kids want and love to read?! It's better just to scan your code bar on your id, that's why everyone will be happy.
          Our id badges are so protective,  you have no idea. It could save us from a gun shot, or also it could stop a punch when somebody it trying to hit you. Oh and it could really help you in p.e! Like if you are drowning, because you don't know how to swim, or any sport, your id will be here to save you. Ids are just practically life savers for any high school students. It helps you in class, your grade might be based on if you have your id or not. You feel like if you don't have your id then the world is going to end! Our ids are everything to a student. Students take the best care for their ids because they love it that much!
        Id badges are our friends. They don't ruin anybody's outfits, because it goes with everything and anything,. They don't break easily and cut us, id badges are every high school student's luxury to have. And it's so cheap! That's why ids are a must have!